How to remove turmeric stains from my juicer?

I have a Nama juicer and juiced today, but despite cleaning it right away, the turmeric stains won’t come out.

I’ve already tried leaving it in the sun, using lemon, Dawn Powerwash, a baking soda mix, and even some bleach. The stain has lightened but is still visible.

I knew turmeric could stain, but I thought cleaning it immediately would prevent it from being this bad. Any other tricks I should try?

I just let mine stay stained—it doesn’t affect anything.

Mica said:
I just let mine stay stained—it doesn’t affect anything.

I get that! I don’t mind my juice bottles being stained, but I hate seeing my expensive juicer looking discolored.

I get it—I clean my Nama after every use too. If I spent that much on a juicer, I’m going to keep it looking nice! Some stains are unavoidable though.

Leith said:
I get it—I clean my Nama after every use too. If I spent that much on a juicer, I’m going to keep it looking nice! Some stains are unavoidable though.

Exactly! At least it’s easy to clean, but I’d still like to get rid of the stain if I can.

Think of it this way—it’s as healthy for your juicer as it is for you. Extra anti-inflammatory benefits for the machine!

Try Dawn Powerwash. That stuff works wonders.

Sky said:
Try Dawn Powerwash. That stuff works wonders.

I’ll give it another try tomorrow!

Lyle said:

Sky said:
Try Dawn Powerwash. That stuff works wonders.

I’ll give it another try tomorrow!

If you’re going to keep juicing turmeric, you’ll probably always have some stains. Look at it as proof that you’re getting good use out of your juicer!

Someone in another thread said rubbing alcohol works. I tried it with a cotton ball, and it completely removed the stain. Just make sure to wash everything with dish soap afterward.

Fintan said:
Someone in another thread said rubbing alcohol works. I tried it with a cotton ball, and it completely removed the stain. Just make sure to wash everything with dish soap afterward.

I’ll try that, thanks!

Where’s the stain? If it’s in the hopper, soaking it with a little bleach and water will help, but it might still look cloudy. If it’s on the main part, it should fade over time.

I juice a lot of turmeric, and I have the white Nama—it’s a pain to clean, but eventually, the stains go away. The hopper, though? That’s probably stained for good.

It’s in the main part where the juice comes out. I know it’s not a huge deal, just annoying.

Lyle said:
It’s in the main part where the juice comes out. I know it’s not a huge deal, just annoying.

Turmeric has that waxy texture, so you really have to scrub. I use Dawn, and it helps, but some staining is inevitable. My last juicer was crystal clear plastic, and it looked worse. At least Nama’s plastic is tinted! Let me know if you find something that works.

Leave it out in the sun. Sunlight naturally bleaches stains—I had the same issue with my Invisalign, and they came out spotless!

Juice lemons last—that helps reduce turmeric stains. If your recipe has turmeric and ginger, juice them together before adding anything else.

Lior said:
Juice lemons last—that helps reduce turmeric stains. If your recipe has turmeric and ginger, juice them together before adding anything else.

I made a juice with all three but juiced the lemon first—won’t make that mistake again!

You should see my juicer. Clean juicers don’t get used enough!

I have a Breville, but parts are hard to find, so I’m considering a Nama. Does it go in the dishwasher? I don’t hand wash anything.

Don’t ruin your juicer with harsh chemicals or abrasives. Just clean it after every use and accept that turmeric stains happen. It’s a badge of honor!

Turmeric is the worst for stains. I stopped juicing it and just make turmeric tea instead.